Wilkinson supplies butt weld, socket weld and threaded fittings in most sizes and metallurgies.
- Carbon steel, stainless steel, chrome, exotic alloys and low temp alloys
- Forged steel 2M thru 10M (threaded and socket weld) bushings, couplings, tees, unions, 90 ells, plugs, soc-o-lets, thread-o-lets
- Malleable iron 150# and 300# tees, couplings, bushings, bell reducers, caps, plugs, 90 ell, 45 ell, street ell, unions
- Butt weld fittings schedule 10 thru XXH ? 90 ell, SR 90, 45 ell, tees, reducing tees, concentric reducer, eccentric reducer, caps